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  • The Cyber Seductions Box Set Books 1-3 (Sci-fi/Futuristic Romance) Page 9

The Cyber Seductions Box Set Books 1-3 (Sci-fi/Futuristic Romance) Read online

Page 9

  She eased closer to the bars, her expression even and her breathing regular. She knew the man being held needed peaceful energy. He calmed somewhat, as she thought he might at the sight of a woman rather than yet another testosterone-driven male.

  “Release me,” he snapped. He had every right to be angry. He’d been yanked from bed, barely given time to dress, and then told he was being held on charges that could result in a death sentence.

  “No can do just yet.” She raked her gaze over him slowly, soaking in the sight of him. She nudged Nemael. “He could use some food and water so he can wash up.”

  “I’ll see to it,” Nemael responded, kissing her cheek before he wandered off.

  She focused on the Star Union member. “They call you the beast and defiler of women. I’m guessing you have an actual name.”

  He touched the bars. “Lukas Maymarc.”

  She nodded. “I’m Haeley. Pleasure to meet you, Lukas.”

  “Why are you here?” he asked, and then grinned. “Did they send me a woman to fuck in hopes my tongue would loosen? Or do they hope to add additional charges to my long list?”

  Moving in close, she grinned, her hands going to the bodice of her dress. She cupped her breasts, knowing the sight she presented. “Not so much. Besides, you have nothing I want to know. I can tell you that you’ll be released soon enough. There are some formalities we need to go through first, so the people here feel as if they got their way. Men.”

  Lukas neared the bars, his brows drawing together. “You seek to free me?”

  “I do.”

  “Why?” he asked.

  She smiled wider. “Because I understand your ways and that they differ greatly from those who reside here. You do not deserve the punishment they’d planned. And I know the Star Union well. They will soon grow tired of attempting to negotiate and simply come in, guns blazing, for your return.”

  He nodded. “Yes. They will.”

  “And regardless what you think of these people, I do not want them harmed.”

  Chapter Three

  Aboard a Star Union vessel, orbiting the planet Viscionia

  Dirks sighed. Haeley had been against him joining the Star Union, begged him to wait. To think about taking a job with his father who worked as a mechanic aboard the ship. She’d thought taking an apprentice position would mean they’d have had a great future together. His father busted his ass for years and years and never moved up the ladder any because he didn’t have the Star Union certification that so many of the younger guys did. Had Dirks simply jumped head first into it all, he too would have been passed by for promotions.

  It didn’t matter. He didn’t want to fix ships. He wanted to pilot them. He wanted to eventually command them. And he wanted to make his father proud.

  Holographic Haeley played with his balls, holding his shaft with one hand while she sucked a ball gently into her mouth. The action, while pleasing, wouldn’t make him come. Not much did anymore. It was as if his sexual bar had been raised.

  He exhaled slowly, doing his best to concentrate on the hologram and not on how much he missed the real thing. How much he missed Haeley.

  Unable to get his head in the game, Dirks pulled the holographic version of her from his groin and shook his head. “This isn’t working for me.”

  “Am I doing it wrong?” she asked.

  “No, sexy,” he replied. “You’re doing it just fine. It’s me tonight. I’m not as into this as I should be.”

  She stood, patiently awaiting a directive or a hint of the direction her programming should permit her to go.

  He sighed. “Show me your cunt, Haels.”

  She lifted a leg and placed her foot on the edge of the sofa he sat upon. It gifted him a straight view of her pussy. A large purple vibrator was poking out slightly. Her quim was dripping wet. His cock perked to life. He leaned forward and inhaled her scent. It was a scent he’d programmed into the fantasy. He remembered it well. It was forever burned into his brain. The scent of Haeley’s sex.

  Stars above, he loved the smell of her pussy.

  Reaching out, he eyed her cunt as he touched the vibrator’s base. He withdrew it from her pussy and the lips of her vagina held tight, grasping at it as they would his cock very soon. She moaned and tipped her head back. “Dirks.”

  “Do you ache for me?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she responded.

  “How bad?”

  “You’re all I think about,” she replied.

  He pushed the vibrator back into her, the thick dildo portion filling her fully. He fucked her with it, gently at first before becoming more aggressive. She quivered and he shook his head. “No. Not yet.”

  “But I’m so close,” she protested. “I’m so close to coming.”

  “Soon. First, make me come.”

  She made a move to bend but he grabbed her around the waist and yanked her up and over him. He lined his cock up with her ass and left the vibrator buried in her pussy. He licked his fingers and coated his cockhead before rimming her ass with it. Her eyes widened. He grinned. “I’m going to fuck that pretty pink rosette.”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes!”

  He shoved into her ass and he wasn’t kind or gentle. He didn’t have to be. She was a hologram. She didn’t feel pain. Not unless he programmed her to. She only felt pleasure. He drove into her mindlessly. His thoughts centered on the real Haeley, out there somewhere in the universe. She had no idea she was the sick, twisted obsession of his fantasies. No idea that after all these years he still wasn’t over her. He rammed into the hologram and felt the vibrator working overtime deep within her. It added another level of sensation to her ass and he gritted his teeth, trying to keep from coming.

  She put her palms to his chest and rode him, shoving her body down on him more. “Yes, Dirks. Yes. There. Right there.”

  He swatted her ass cheeks, taking turns with each hand coming into contact with each cheek. Each slap, each time his palm connected with the globes of her ass, it turned him on more. He spanked her and fucked her all at the same time, getting off on the act in ways he shouldn’t.

  Fuck, it felt good.

  He spanked her more and drove into her harder. Soon he lost himself in the moment and roared as his seed jetted forth from him. He yanked Haeley’s hair, jerking her head back.

  “Say it!”

  “Yes, Dirks, yes!”

  She came too, the sensation stimulating his cock more as it twitched, the last of his cum spurting from him and into her ass.

  “Kiss me,” she said, sounding needy.

  “No,” he returned. He was done with her now. He’d come and the hologram version of the woman he loved had nothing left to offer him. He’d boot up the program again later and maybe go with a dungeon theme. He’d bind Haeley to a wall and then he’d flog her until he fucked her tender ass.

  It’s how he liked his sex. Hard and dirty and with a bit of pain.

  With a sigh, Dirks exited the program.

  He blinked several times, taking off the viewing visor and setting it aside. He stared down at the varying sensors attached to his body and felt sick about how far he’d allowed his addiction to Haeley to go. Cum trickled down his cock, over the sensor and onto his thighs. He’d come good and hard on that one.

  He pulled the first of the sensors from his cock. “Face it, galaxy waste, she’s moved on with her life. She’s probably married, with those kids she kept talking about wanting to have someday. She’s probably on some midsized independent ship, carving out a life with her blue-collar husband.” He sighed. “And she’s probably happy.”

  The communications controls in his personal chambers beeped, indicating a call coming through. He assured video relay was set to off before answering.

  “Dirks,” he said.

  “Lt. Commander,” Captain Parker said. “I know you’re off duty for the weekend but would you consider going planet side with me for the night? Seems Lukas got himself into a bit of the troubles with t
he locals and they’re demanding he be sacrificed to their god.”

  Dirks groaned. That was just like Lukas, kicking up a fuss with the locals. “Again?”

  Lukas Maymarc, head of security aboard the vessel, tended to piss off more people than not. He had a certain way about him. The safety of the ship and crew was his only concern. Making friends was low on his list, and he’d felt no need to befriend the locals. If anything, he seemed to goad them to see just how far he could push them. Apparently, he’d gotten his answer.

  “Sir, if I may.”

  Parker was quiet a moment. “Go ahead.”

  “Why, exactly, does the Star Union want Viscionia so bad? Shouldn’t we be focused more on the Tarynous region?” he asked. It was a valid point, one the crew had been murmuring about since they’d learned they were headed to Viscionia.

  “Viscionia may be small, but it holds a lot of weight in this galaxy. We don’t understand why and that is part of the problem. For some reason they are the decision makers around these parts and what they say goes. We need them if we’re going to get this galaxy on board with the Star Union.”

  “Understood, Sir. Thank you.”

  “Dirks,” Parker said. “I’d ask Wilks to head down with me, but he doesn’t have quite the flare you do at getting Lukas off the hook. Plus, it would mean Lukas owes you. He’d be a good guy to have in debt to you.”

  He was right. Having Lukas owe him one was worth it. Plus, seeing Lukas in whatever jam he’d managed to get into this time would be priceless. “I’ll meet you at the shuttle bay in fifteen minutes.”

  “Perfect. And thanks,” Parker said. “Oh, one more thing.”

  Whenever the captain added that to the end of a sentence, Dirks knew trouble was to follow.

  “The Astrea just came to a stop near us. Apparently they’ve been called to help negotiate the peace too.”

  Dirks groaned. “Star Union thinks one vessel is not enough, or just that we’re lacking any ability to keep level heads?”

  “I’d answer that but I have to go stop my head of security from killing anyone down there or being executed himself.”

  “Point taken,” Dirks said with a snort. “Be there shortly.”

  The call ended.

  He stood and undid any remaining sensors from his body before heading to the bathing chamber and taking a quick particle stream shower. He exited the bathing chamber and put his sexual device into the decontamination unit. It would wash away any traces of his seed. Dirks moved to his wardrobe and donned his Star Union uniform. He swept a hand through his hair and went in search of the captain.

  Chapter Four

  Planet Viscionia was pretty much the planet time forgot. Dirks, like all Star Union members, had been educated on histories of various planets. Viscionia reminded him somewhat of the medieval period on Earth. He’d taken a fancy to studying Earth and its history because the human population could trace his ancestors back to that planet. Haeley had always had a strange love and obsession with the period as well. They’d spent many nights talking about what life must have been like long, long ago. He felt closer to her here on Viscionia and was saddened he’d not managed a visit to it sooner.

  It was a planet that was new to the Star Union’s trade route. The planet resided in a relatively newly charted galaxy—one the Star Union had been working overtime on trying to bring into the fold. Viscionia, as with most of the planets in the galaxy, was against joining the Star Union. They didn’t require protection because to date they had no enemies who had interplanetary travel at their disposal. That would change. It always did. At that time they’d either agree to sit down for discussions on joining the Star Union, or come up with a military of their own.

  As birds resembling chickens rushed past Dirks’ foot, he had a feeling Viscionia may end up at the negotiating table. From the looks of it, they had little more than pitchforks to defend themselves. He wondered how they’d managed this long without technological advancements.

  Captain Parker glanced over his shoulder at Dirks and then nodded with his head around the village. “Somehow the briefing did not do this justice.”

  “Agreed, Sir.”

  The information they’d been provided prior to entering Viscionia’s atmosphere had neglected to mention just how backward the planet was in terms of the Star Union. That being said, Dirks couldn’t help but feel remorse that things had ended the way they had with Haeley and that she’d not been given the chance to see Viscionia and all its old-world glory.

  Standing in his Star Union uniform, he felt underdressed as men and women walked past, wearing cloaks and clothing he’d only seen drawings of out of history. The women wore long gowns. The bodices were formfitting and the skirts were full and somehow managed to flatter the women in them. The men had on something that looked more like dresses than not. Belts held daggers around the males’ waists. Their boots appeared to be made from genuine leather. Dirks had only seen actual leather in several Star Union museums. The use of genuine leather was banned centuries ago.

  Since Viscionia wasn’t part of the Star Union, they were able to do things other planets couldn’t. Such as wear leather. Dirks noted the smoke billowing out of the chimney tops of the small clay homes lining the village streets. Logs were stacked neatly against each dwelling. He drew in a deep breath and savored the scent of the smoke. Wood burning. He’d always wondered what a wood-burning fireplace smelled like.

  Now he knew.

  Dirks kept pace with Captain Parker and also left one hand near his pulse gun should he need it. The people of Viscionia weren’t totally harmless. Dirks had read the accounts of their personal history—their planet wars. They could be vicious when need be. He didn’t want now to be one of those times.

  “Where do you think they’re holding Lukas?” he asked.

  No sooner had the words left his mouth than the sounds of Lukas’ cursing rent the air. “This godsforsaken planet has the worst food ever, and if you keep bloody staring at me like I’m an animal on display, I’m going to take this spoon and shove it up your ass! You’d probably enjoy that wouldn’t you? Release me like the chick promised before I wring your neck.”

  Several of the ladies near them gasped and fanned themselves, looking as though they might faint from the sheer amount of obscenities Lukas managed to string together in one sentence.

  Dirks hid his smile. If hearing that language nearly did them in, he could only imagine how they’d react if he offered to spank their asses and then fuck their mouths. Lukas had tastes that ran similar to Dirks’ when it came to sex. They’d shared a few women in the past and each knew the other was a perverted son-of-a-bitch.

  Several of the local women weren’t bad on the eyes, and he could picture himself drilling into their bodies. He could stand a real, warm pussy for a change. He’d been fucking holograms too much as of late. The more he stared at the women, the more something felt off. As if his initial thoughts on them weren’t accurate. Could there be more to them than met the eye? Were they wild and willing?

  The next voice he heard wasn’t Lukas’ and he doubted it was a Viscionian. They had a distinctive accent. A man in ceremonial robes exited from a stone building. Dirks spotted the cross around the man’s neck and took a guess he was a priest of some sort. He looked a lot more like he could kick someone’s ass rather than the type you’d assume were praying all day. To each his own.

  Parker took point. He stepped forward and extended his hand. “Greetings and well wishes.”

  The priest’s smile was smug and his eyes twinkled with mirth as he offered his hand in response. “Well wishes accepted on this fine day.”

  Parker shook the man’s hand. “And may the morrow hold good spirits as well.”

  “You’re versed in your Viscionia greetings.” The priest appeared moderately impressed.

  “I know enough.” Parker pulled his hand back and glanced in the opposite direction—the way Lukas’ voice had come from. “You have one of my men.”

  “Ah, I wondered when you might show to collect him.” The priest snorted. “He’s interesting and seems to enjoy butting heads with those in positions of authority.”

  Parker groaned. “Yep. That would be Maymarc. He’s colorful.”

  The priest arched a dark brow. “And then some.”

  “Who has he offended so far?” asked the captain.

  The priest motioned to the whole of the village. “Better to ask who he hasn’t offended.”

  Dirks hid his laughter. Sounded just like Lukas. The man was responsible for his fair share of interplanetary incidents. This would just add to his long list of infractions.

  “Have you a name you want me to call you by, priest?” Captain asked.

  “Nemael, and I’m not a priest by your meaning of the term. I follow the path of Hazonius. I am called Dom Nemael.”

  Parker glanced to Dirks, a questioning look upon his face. Dirks had no friggin’ clue what the man was going on about. He shrugged.

  “I am one of the few who stand in defense of your friend.” Nemael waved his hand. “Come. I will take you to him.”

  They headed in the direction of the building that Dirks was fast beginning to suspect was a jailhouse of sorts. Crude, but apparently effective since Lukas hadn’t burst free from it yet and Lukas was well known for his jailbreak abilities.

  How the man had ended up head of security was still a mystery to Dirks.

  “Some of us have been trying for over an hour to gain your man’s freedom,” the priest said.

  “Not going well?” Parker worried his jaw with his hand.

  “Each step forward they make, your friend seems to take two steps back,” the priest said. There was something in his gaze that alarmed Dirks. “The council members converse now with our offworld liaison. We were all set to release him when he threw his plate of food into one of our guard’s faces. He then told the guard he’d pleasured his wife, multiple times. I know he said it in jest, but they believe him.”