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The Cyber Seductions Box Set Books 1-3 (Sci-fi/Futuristic Romance) Page 4

  He didn’t wait for her to answer. Instead, he took a finger full of her cream and pushed it gently into her ass. Her anus felt like it popped and she screamed out in pain below him. Roman rimmed her tenderly then, easing the pressure.

  “Des, I love your new routine. You’re unbelievably tight now. Push down on my finger and let me ease your little ass open. I need to finger-fuck it now and I know you want it. Don’t you?”

  She shook her head no but her body did as it wanted, and it wanted to be completely full of Roman. She pushed down, sending his finger deeper into her taboo channel. The sensation was so unique, so different from the butt plug she normally toyed with. It was thrilling for her and she couldn’t help but wiggle under his touch.

  “More,” she whispered.

  Roman smiled and withdrew his finger from her, replacing it quickly with the head of his cock. His penis was too big, too massive to ever fit in her ass. She bucked against him in an attempt to get away but in doing so drove his dick deep within her. He eased his speed and found a steady, slow rhythm. Much to her surprise, it felt amazing. She pushed, countering him, wanting more.

  Roman adjusted her legs on his shoulders and found a thrusting rhythm that threatened to overpower her. The building sensation of promising pleasure was so alluring—so close to fruition.

  Another orgasm hit her and she was powerless to do anything but cry out as Roman continued to pound his cock into her.

  “I’m going to fill your ass with my seed.” He tipped his head back and his muscles strained. “Tell me you want it, baby. Tell me how much you want my semen up your ass. Tell me how you want it dripping out of you, running down your leg, as I stick it in you again.”

  “I want it. I want it, Roman. Give it to me, ahh, give it to me now!”

  With that, Roman’s body went rigid and she felt his shaft spurting semen deep within her. He stayed locked deep inside her rectum for a few more minutes before he pulled himself out of her slowly. Kissing her leg, he moved them from his shoulders. “Come here.”

  Destiny gave him a questioning look and he scowled at her. “I said, come here! I want you to suck me clean.”

  Her eyes bulged. “You want me to put my mouth on your thing after you just had it in my…” She couldn’t bring herself to say it aloud.

  Roman gave her a wicked smile and winked. “Oh yeah, Des. I want your hot little mouth wrapped around my cock, cleaning it, stroking it and making it hard again. Tell me that you want to suck me off. Say it, Destiny. That’s what I like to hear, you begging to suck me.”

  Destiny drew the line there. “No way, buddy. Get your butt into the shower and then we’ll talk about me going down on you. In the meantime, your thingy isn’t coming near me until it’s clean!”

  He jerked backwards. “Computer, tweak program Destiny-211.”

  Destiny glanced around the room. What the hell was he talking about?

  The computer replied quickly. “Unable to comply.”

  “What do you mean, unable to comply? Set her back to her defaults.” Roman shifted on the bed slightly and ran his hand through his brown hair.

  “Holographic program Destiny-211 is already set at defaults. Would you like me to launch the program now?”

  “Launch it now? What do you mean? It’s already launched. I just fucked the hell out of it so many times that my cock’s chafed.”

  “Negative, Sir. Destiny-211 is not currently running.”

  Destiny sat up slowly, her body sore yet sated. “Roman, what are you talking about? What’s Destiny-211?”

  His eyes widened as he jumped off the bed. “Computer, give me the location of Lieutenant Commander Destiny Stewart.”

  “Lieutenant Commander Destiny Stewart is approximately one meter from you, Sir. Do you also require information on the newest life form?”

  “Destiny?” Roman asked, taking a tentative step toward her. She nodded, still unsure of what was transpiring. Roman glanced upwards. “Computer, clarify ‘newest life form’ comment.”

  “Diagnostics has indicated the presence of a new life form within your quarters, Sir. Preliminary scans indicate the life form resides within Lieutenant Commander Destiny Stewart’s uterus. Additional data has determined the life form shows signs of your DNA—paternal match ninety-nine percent. Logging data now and calculating due date.”

  “Roman, what’s going on?” Destiny asked, the reality of what the computer just said sinking in. “I’m pregnant. Oh my God, I’m pregnant.” She shook her head and jumped up and off the bed. She paced the floor and panic seized hold of her. “I didn’t mean for…I didn’t think. That is, I hadn’t planned on doing this. You came into the bathroom and then just—”

  Roman grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to him. His embrace was strong and long. “I’m so sorry, Des. I didn’t know it was you. I would have never forced you to do all that. I’d have been gentler with you.” He backed away from her quickly, leaving her swaying slightly. “I forced you to have anal sex with me! I’ll call the guards now and place myself in the brig. I swear that I didn’t know it was you.”

  He continued to babble things that made no sense. She smacked him hard across the face. He looked down at her and nodded. “I deserved that and so much more. I never meant to hurt you.”

  “Oh, would you please shut up!” she muttered. “I don’t know what in the universe you’re talking about but I can tell you one thing—you did not hurt me. I loved every minute of it, in case you didn’t notice. Every minute of it! I don’t regret one second of it. I’m just sorry that conception took place. I’ll head to the infirmary and ask the techs to take care of it.” Her voice trailed off at the end. She didn’t want to terminate the pregnancy, but without the consent of both enlisted officers, the Star Union demanded it be so.

  Roman’s brow creased. “You liked it? You wanted me to fuck you?”

  She chuckled. “Not exactly that. I’ve wanted you to make love to me from the moment I laid eyes on you. I love you, Roman. I already told you that once tonight.” Destiny’s cheeks flared as her confession of love fell from her lips.

  Roman stood silent for a moment before sighing. “I’ve loved you from the moment we met too. I didn’t think you had any feelings for me and I wanted you more than life itself so I—”

  “So you what?”

  He stood tall and clenched his fists. “So I created a holographic program that simulated you.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “Let me guess, Destiny-211?”

  He nodded. Destiny thought back to when she’d walked in on him getting a blowjob from the hot chick with the black curly hair. She lifted a strand of her own curly black hair and shook her head in disbelief. “I walked in on myself giving you head?”

  “Yeah,” Roman said, sheepishly.

  Destiny moved closer to him and put her hand on his chest. “What else have I done for you?”

  Roman looked away, obviously embarrassed. “Anything I wanted.”

  “And what was it that you wanted?”

  “You,” he said softly.

  “Okay, that clears that up, but what about…” She slid her hand down over her lower abdomen. “What do we do now, about the baby? Protocol demands I terminate it if you don’t want it.”

  He grabbed hold of her and took control of her mouth with his. His kiss was hard, passionate and uncontrolled. When he finally broke away, he looked down at her. “I need to clean up and so do you.”

  It wasn’t exactly what she’d hoped for and for some reason she felt sick to her stomach. He didn’t want the baby and now was avoiding the issue. A shower would do her good—give her time to think and clear her head.

  Destiny had assumed she’d be showering alone. Standing before Roman now, with particle streams hitting them from every direction, she wasn’t sure what to say.

  Roman slid his hand into her hair and pulled her to him. He clamped his mouth down on hers and forced his tongue in. When her tongue inched around his, he exhaled.

Destiny ran her fingers over his abs and his cock jerked in anticipation. She laced her warm fingers around his shaft and he bucked against her. Moaning slightly, he moved his hands down and found her lush breast. Taking each nipple between his fingers, he tweaked them, rolling them gently as he rocked his hips against her hand. Biting his way down her neck, he clamped his mouth over her nipple.

  His cock jerked again and pre-come seeped from it. Releasing her nipple, he looked into her blue eyes. “I need to be in you again, Des.”

  She ran her hand down her stomach and stopped when she reached her sex. She parted the lips of her pussy, exposing her pink nub to him. It was swollen and ready for stimulation. He grasped his cock in one hand and rubbed the tip of it over her clit. She arched her back, effectively thrusting her breasts upwards. He was too tall to let the head of his penis play in her cream-filled folds and suck on her breast, so he picked her up.

  Chapter Eight

  Wrapping her legs around his waist, she tipped her head back. Roman’s gaze raked over her as her skin flushed with desire. The tip of his penis was so close to her wet entrance that he could have entered her at any time, but he needed to be sure she wanted it. The hologram he’d programmed of her always wanted everything, but this was the real deal—he’d never hurt her. “I want to be in you, Des.”

  “Oh God, fuck me, Roman. Fuck me.”

  He fisted his cock and staggered backward slightly. “Baby, you can’t talk like that or I’ll fucking come all over you.”

  “Mmm, promise?”

  He pushed the tip of his dick into her slightly and her breath caught. She was so tight, so hot that he wasn’t sure that he could move a muscle without coming in her. “Marry me.”

  Destiny’s head snapped up. She grabbed hold of his cheeks and stared at him. “What did you just say?”

  He laughed, partly out of amusement and partly out of fear of rejection. He wasn’t sure why he’d blurted out a proposal, but he meant every word of it. “Computer, record the following…Lieutenant Commander Destiny Stewart, I would be honored if you would agree to be my wife. Will you marry me?”

  “I, erm, Roman?”

  Roman’s palms began to sweat. His dick threatened to go soft on him as he held his breath.

  Destiny leaned down and kissed his lips gently. She pulled back and smiled. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  “Binding marriage agreement has been logged. Date of ceremony to be announced,” the computer stated.

  Hearing the computer acknowledge their agreement gave his dick back the fire it needed. It sprang to life, wanting to be buried anywhere in her sweet little body. Leaning down, he laid Destiny onto her back, to take in just how amazing the actual version was. Her creamy breasts bobbed slightly, making her pink nipples appear to tease him. He scooped one up in his hands and pinched it gently. She gasped beneath the weight of his touch, encouraging him to go forward in his mission.

  “I love you,” he said, softly.

  “I love you too, but tell me one thing.”


  “Are you going to keep fucking the hologram version of me?”

  He eased into her and felt his eyes roll from the pleasure of it. “Destiny, honey, she can’t even compare to you. You’re it for me—from this moment on you’re the only woman for me, real or cyber.”

  She smiled and held him tight. “Good, then I guess I won’t fuck the holographic version of you anymore either.”

  He stopped as jealously ripped through him. “You’ve been fucking a version of me?”

  She bit her bottom lip. “You’ve been doing the same thing.”

  “Get rid of it, this instant. You’re going to be my wife and you’re having my baby. I will not share you with anything—holographic or not!”

  “I have a better idea,” she said in a soothing voice. She ran her hands over his back and sent waves of tingling pleasure through his body.

  His resolve weakened and his anger faded away. He finally had his Destiny, his one true love. “What did you have in mind?”

  “Make love to me, Roman, then we can reprogram them to find happiness with each other, like we did.”

  It was an offer he couldn’t refuse. He moved his hips and pushed his cock into her. He didn’t attack her as he’d normally do to the hologram. No, he wanted to savor every second of being in his fiancée.


  Roman looked at the visual communicator and did his best to avoid giving Admiral Myers the finger. He smiled and waited for Myers to speak. The tension between them continued to be at an all-time high.

  “Parker, I’m happy to hear the communication tower on M83293 is operational. Your crew did a fantastic job.”

  Roman nodded but didn’t comment.

  “I’ve got good news for you. You can return to Expedition Central immediately. Another ship is in your vicinity and can handle the sector from there. Sorry about sticking you out in the middle of nowhere, Roman.”

  “Yeah, about that,” Roman said in a low voice. “I’ve been meaning to thank you for sending me to a deserted planet that’s prone to micrometeorite showers. It’s because of you that I have a wife and a baby on the way. I’ve never been happier and I hate to admit it, but I owe it all to you, Jonas.”

  Jonas Myers looked taken aback for a moment and then smiled. “So, who’s the lucky woman? Who’d you marry?”

  Destiny walked up behind Roman and slid her arms around his waist. Her slightly rounded belly pressed against his back and warmth rushed through his chest as he thought about his child growing within her.

  She poked her head around him and laughed. “Hiya, big brother.”

  Roman spun around and stared down at her. “Big brother?”

  Myers piped up too. “Des, you married that prick Parker? You’ve got to be kidding me. What were you thinking?”

  “Brother? What? Your last name was Stewart.”

  Destiny smiled. “No, my mother’s maiden name is Stewart. Jonas thought it best I use that instead of Myers to avoid anyone thinking he was showing me favoritism.” She looked at the visual communicator. “And, yes, Jonas, I married Roman. Did he tell you that you’re going to be an uncle?”

  Roman laughed as Myers’ face twisted up. “See ya soon, brother. Parker out.”


  The holographic version of Lieutenant Commandeer Destiny Stewart dropped to her knees before the holographic image of Captain Parker. “Can I suck you off?”

  Parker dropped to the floor next to her. “How can I please you today?”

  “You never let me suck you enough. I could roll your balls around in my mouth again—you always seem to like that. I didn’t get enough of your semen. I want more. It tastes so good.”

  “How can I please you today? Can I hold you? I want to cuddle with you. I can rub your feet or read to you.”

  “Can I suck you off?”

  “How can I please you today?”


  Destiny and Roman watched the monitors as the two holograms battled over who could please whom first.

  “Do you think they’ll figure it out?” she asked.

  Roman laughed and pulled her close to him. “I don’t give a rat’s ass if they do. I’m more concerned over getting to please you, Mrs. Destiny Parker.”

  Destiny shook her head and dodged his kiss. “No, sweetie, I’m going to please you tonight.”

  “We could be at this all night, honey.”

  “Mmm, promise?”

  “How about I promise to be at it for the rest of our lives?” Roman asked, kissing the top of her nose. “I love you so much, Destiny. You certainly are the real deal.”


  Denial of Service


  Reagan Hawk

  Denial of Service

  Book Two in the Cyber Seduction Series.

  This book was previously published under the author name Mandy M. Roth

  Admiral Jonas Myers was only looking for a brief break from Star Union Command
. He never expected to find a pleasure droid that made his pulse race. He also never expected to fall in love with her.

  Nora has two options—marry an abusive used parts dealer of her controlling brothers’ choosing, or flee, risking punishment by death. Wanting one night of freedom even at the cost of her life, she decides to make a run for it. Little did she know she’d be rushing into the arms of an admiral—the one man capable of saving her life, at the risk of losing her heart.

  WARNING: This short story contains hot, sex with machines, or so the hero thinks, strong language and lots of other stuff the author refuses to apologize for.

  Chapter One

  Planet Fengaria, in the Bagune Galaxy

  Admiral Jonas Myers kept a close eye on the brothel owner as he swiped the credits token. On more than one occasion the shady men had tried overcharging him for droid sex. This price seemed in line with the others and he’d paid for enough to know.

  The brothel owner, middle-aged, balding and with a gut that didn’t quite fit into the shirt he’d tried to stuff it in, handed the token back to Jonas. “Last room on the right at the end of the hall. It’s the XT model you wanted.”


  “You planning to invite buddies or something?”

  Jonas stared at the man. “Why do you ask?”

  “Because the XT model is for multiple partners. If you’re gonna have your friends fucking my droid too, you need to pay extra. And don’t go double-stuffing any holes. It’s a bitch if they get stretched out. Only one dick per hole at a time, got it? I don’t care if you tag team it but don’t double-stuff the same hole.”